RanD,huisautomatisering,toegangspoort,verlichting,domotica,reparatie,electronische,apparatuur,riviera,cote d'azur,beveiliging,camera,ontwikkeling,activiteiten,Joep,Jozef,Helmes,Cannes,Nice,Antibes,zee,middellandse zee,Mandelieu,Frejus,St.Tropez
RanD, reparatie electronische apparatuur en huisautomatisering (domotica) aan de Côte d'Azur. Verlichting,beveiliging en speciale projecten.
RanD woontechnologie IQ Controle IQ Comfort IQ Beveiliging.
Alarm installatie camera bewaking beveiliging huisautomatisering domotica verlichting riviera côte cote dazur cote d'azur paca Joep Jozef Helmes Cannes Nice Antibes Mandelieu Frejus St.Tropez Grasse iPhone Android.
des Installations de Qualité
IQ Control
You know the feeling that you turn off all the lights in the living room, went to the bedroom, and then discover that you forgot your book in the living room? Very annoying, because now you must pass through the darkness back to the place where you left your book. It would be so nice if there was still lighting a small light so you can see where you're walking. IQ Control solves this with an automated lamp circuit in your living room. In addition, the IQ-Control component has a circuit for the outdoor lighting.

How does IQ Control works?
The lamp lighting in the living room and the exterior garden light are controlled by daily programs. These programs are set to your personal needs. Do you want to deviate from the regular program? No problem. Customizing is done easily through your smartphone or a PC.
It ain't nice to come home at a dark house? IQ Control ensures that at sunset the entrance is lit when you enter your house by activating the outdoor lighting. In the living room already lights a lamp. You will feel welcome in the evening in your own home and its not currently using much energy. The moment you choose, the lights will go out.
Are you expecting guests this evening? You do not have to worry that you are suddenly sit in the dark  at your "normal" bedtime. Somewhere during the day you tap on your smartphone the function 'party time'. The lights will turn on according to your settings, but wont turn off. By the time you go to bed you choose on your mobile for 'bedtime'. Leave the room and enter your bedroom. After 10 minutes, all lights are off. Inside and outside.

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