RanD,huisautomatisering,toegangspoort,verlichting,domotica,reparatie,electronische,apparatuur,riviera,cote d'azur,beveiliging,camera,ontwikkeling,activiteiten,Joep,Jozef,Helmes,Cannes,Nice,Antibes,zee,middellandse zee,Mandelieu,Frejus,St.Tropez
RanD, reparatie electronische apparatuur en huisautomatisering (domotica) aan de Côte d'Azur. Verlichting,beveiliging en speciale projecten.
RanD woontechnologie IQ Controle IQ Comfort IQ Beveiliging.
Alarm installatie camera bewaking beveiliging huisautomatisering domotica verlichting riviera côte cote dazur cote d'azur paca Joep Jozef Helmes Cannes Nice Antibes Mandelieu Frejus St.Tropez Grasse iPhone Android.
des Installations de Qualité
IQ Comfort

Turn on the heating on your property while you are still in the UK? No luxury when it is winter.
IQ Comfort can handle this for you. And if you find out that you forgot to turn off the heating again, you just grab your mobile to arrange it right away. From anywhere in the world.

How does IQ Comfort works?
A thermostat is placed at a strategic location in the house, mostly in the living room. The thermostat can control two electric heaters or a boiler. How? The thermostat sends its measurements to the control unit which will react upon your settings. Depending on these settings the heater will turn on or not. The control unit acts accordingly to the fact if you are at home or not and the actual temperature you set.
You can set any temperature but there are three default settings: the temperature when you are at home, if you are out for some shopping and when you are not at home for a long time. From your mobile, you can easily change these temperature settings.

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