RanD,huisautomatisering,toegangspoort,verlichting,domotica,reparatie,electronische,apparatuur,riviera,cote d'azur,beveiliging,camera,ontwikkeling,activiteiten,Joep,Jozef,Helmes,Cannes,Nice,Antibes,zee,middellandse zee,Mandelieu,Frejus,St.Tropez
RanD, reparatie electronische apparatuur en huisautomatisering (domotica) aan de Côte d'Azur. Verlichting,beveiliging en speciale projecten.
RanD woontechnologie IQ Controle IQ Comfort IQ Beveiliging.
Alarm installatie camera bewaking beveiliging huisautomatisering domotica verlichting riviera côte cote dazur cote d'azur paca Joep Jozef Helmes Cannes Nice Antibes Mandelieu Frejus St.Tropez Grasse iPhone Android.
des Installations de Qualité
Internet and WiFi
We measure your Internet performance to see if it is sufficient.
Do you have a limited range of your Wi-Fi?
We test your Internet connection and optionally provide a good wifi reception in and around your home. Receive and send your whats-app messages also from around the swimmingpool!
After performing a signal strength measurement we determine where a relay station is useful and where it should be placed. On your request we provide and install it.
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